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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sri Lankan Police Brutally Attacks a Buddist Priest and Taken in to custody.Is Sri Lanka heading for another Miyanmar?

A Buddhist priest (Ven. Biyagama Suseela Thero) who spoke against the humalating attack by the police together with government thugs on the demonstration held at Maharagama by Common Oppostion together with people for democracy to protest against the illegal arrest(abduction) of General Sarath Fonseka had being brutally assulted and taken in to custody by Maharagama Police.

A person who objected to the arrest of the Buddhist priest was brutally assaulted and taken into custody too. The journalists covering the event were abused in filthy language and threatened according to news sources from Maharagama.

Is Sri Lanka heading for the same situation like in Miyanmar? (In Miyanmar Oppostion Leader is in custody and so many priests as well as innocent people are brutally attacked & Killed)

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