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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Amnesty International: Ink

Amazing and very touching animation for Amnesty International by TBWA/Paris, produced by Magiclab (France).

Via: shape + colour

Open Source Food

If you're creative, you'll probably like to cook. If you don't, well, I'm sure you like to eat and know someone who likes to cook ;)

Via: Swissmiss

Unnescessary Knowledge

Yes, it's really unnecessary knowledge, but you do find some very funny facts, some even quite interesting. Anyway, when you run out of conversation, there are a couple of ice breakers here.


Friday, July 25, 2008


Very funny nonsense advert by Argentinian ad agency La Comu for the Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival.

Agency: la comunidad, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
General Creative Director: Joaquín Mollá, José Mollá
CD/Art Director: Fernando Sosa
CD/Copywriter: Ramiro Raposo
Agency Producer: Juan Manuel Menvielle
Production Company: Argentinacine (Argentina)
Director: Zapiola- López
Director or Photography: Javier Juliá
Executive Producer: Marcos Landajo
Producer: Carolina Pena,
Florencia Foscaldi
Art Director: Nicolás Scabini
Post Production: Che Revolution Post (Argentina)
Editor: Javier Correa
Music: Supercharango (Argentina)
Sound: FX-Design

Via: Friday Linkage

Flake TV

Flake.tv is an online television channel dedicated to urban lifestyle, art, fashion, music, and creative culture. I just saw a couple of short features they have and they were pretty interesting, definitely worth checking it out.

Via: Styleboost

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Eye Petrol

Eye Petrol is an online magazine, in which its content is online user generated, basically you submit your work, and if it's good enough, you and the world will see it in the downloadable magazine. So if you want to show off your work, here's a good chance.

Thanks to Bob Ferraz for the tip.

Comfort: Naturists

Great acting on this funny ad by Ogilvy London, for Comfort.

Agency: Ogilvy London (UK)
Production: Thomas Thomas Films, London (UK)
Director: Jim Gilchrist

Via: Boards Magazine

Foundation for the Deaf: Lip Reading

Very simple, yet effective and visually appealing, all-type TV Ad. Created by DDB New Zealand.

Via: NOTCOT/Direto do Forno

Sony: LittleBigPlanet presentation

Genious way to present sales figures. The game looks promising to.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The V Illustrations

I recommend you check the very cool illustration work featured on Art Director/Illustrator Vanessa Teodoro's' blog ---> The V Illustrations

The amazing Shit Box

I'm not if this will be a big success or not, none the less, it's a very funny idea.

Via: CR Blog

Art vs Advertising

Very good read on this article by the New York Times about the never ending "copyright war" between Art and Advertising.

Via: CR blog

Rolleiflex Mini Digital Camera

How cool is it to own one of these? I want one, even if the photos don't come out great.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Guardian: Short clocked

Short, simple, and effective. Produced by Bermuda Shorts and, I'm guessing creativity was by W+K London as it's for the Guardian.

Lotus Eco-Elise

A very interesting project by Lotus. Will we finally be able to have an eco-friendly car wich is actually good looking?


Totoro Forest Project

About this project:
"A fund raising exhibition/auction to support the National Trust Totoro Forest Foundation established by Oscar winning film maker Hayao Miyazaki, featuring original art created by internationally acclaimed artists in the fields of animation, comic books, and illustration."

Great illustration and it's for a good cause!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Super Shopping

Another one of those virals, it is still entertaining, however i'm starting to get bored with always the same type of gimmick!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Converse: My Drive Thru

Cool new animation produced by Psyop for Converse. With a pumping soundtrack. Heard it 3 times in a row without getting sick of it! Music: Santogold, Julian Casablancas & N.E.R.D. - My Drive Thru (Produced By Pharrell Williams)

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Swapping Shirts with Strangers

Awesome viral/guerrilla/action/PR stunt, whatever you want to call it, for the new Adidas Ajax football shirt. By TBWA\ (I'm guessing Amsterdam)

Via: The Arab Aquarius

Bored Egyptians

I like the photography on these self-promo ads by out of work Egyptian Art Director/Copywriter duo.
You can contact them at packednready@gmail.com
If I was a Creative Director, I would at least give them a chance to show their portfolio.

Via: NOTCOT/The Arab Aquarius

Letter from God to Man

Great lyrics and nice video for the song "Letter from God to Man" by dan le sac Vs scroobius pip.

Director: Steve Glashier
Producer: Russell Porter
Production Company: Nothing To See Here


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Don't know which image bank you guys use, but if you're like most people, you'll probably use Getty or Corbis. I was contacted this afternoon by PhotoShelter, an image bank which prides its self from paying a fairer share of the profit to the photographers. Not wanting to enter any image banks wars, and just giving you another option, if you're thinking of selling your photos to an image bank, you might be interested in reading PhotoShelters' CEO Allen Murabayashi statement here. It is an interesting read.

Fifty Designers' Current Favourite Typefaces

Fantastic project by designer/art director James West, with all the money raised from the book going to UNICEF. So far he has made £6000 (€7538 / USD11841) for cyclone victims of Myanmar (Burma). You can donate directly, if you wish, here.

Unfortunately the book is now sold out, but you never know, maybe some more will be produced? I would buy one.

Via: swissmiss

Dress for Dinner Napkins

I love these napkins sold at the Spoon Sisters online gift shop. Great for any party.

Via: swissmiss

Friday, July 4, 2008

Skype Laughter Chain

I'm sure you'll end up laughing with this one. Have a great weekend.

Thanks to Maurício for the tip.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Nike: Roger Federer

Great new ad for Nike featuring Roger Federer and the Rhys Darby,one of the guys from The Flight of the Conchords.

Via: The Guardian

Animation Project

I just found this animation made by student Jason Peacock as his final year project.
Impressive work for a great song, Fill You In, by Josh Pyke.

Jung von Matt at Berghs School of Communication

Just the name Jung von Matt should be enough for any advertising student to be interested in applying for a placement, however Jung Von Matt still decided on doing a very good guerrilla campaign to entice the students at Berghs School of Communication in Sweden.

Via: ADivertido