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Monday, February 28, 2011

Gaddafi rivals close in on Tripoli !

Areas near capital fall to protesters amid fears that forces loyal to Libyan Dictator Gaddafi could launch counter-attack which could lead to a genocide. 13 days so far since the beginning of the uprise.

Libya's opposition movement has seized control of territory close to the capital, Tripoli, as anti-government protesters gear up for what could be a final battle for leader Muammar Gaddafi's stronghold.

Three areas in the east were reported to be under the control of protesters on Monday, a day after pro-democracy demonstrators took control of the city of Az-Zawiyah, just 50km west of Tripoli.Men opposed to Gaddafi patrolled the streets of Az-Zawiyah, saying they had seized weapons and even tanks which they would use to defend themselves.

But they were also bracing themselves for a potential showdown with forces loyal to Gaddafi, who have reportedly surrounded the city.Ezeldina, a Zawiyah resident had told that people in the city had raided  military camps to prepare for a potential raid by government forces. "We are expecting an attack at any moment," he said. "We are forming rotating watch groups, guarding the neighbourhood."

Pro-Gaddafi rallies

Government forces manned several checkpoints between Az-Zawiyah and the capital, and supporters of the Libyan leader demonstrated in the Harsha district, 5km from the centre of Zawiyah.

Government loyalists also took to the streets just outside the capital, waving posters and chanting slogans.

The rallies appeared to be evidence that Gaddafi had not lost complete control of the capital.

Ibrahim Sharquieh, deputy director of the Brookings Doha Centre, said the battle between pro- and anti-Gaddafi forces for Tripoli is not likely to be won immediately.

"We know that [Gaddafi] is in the Bab al-Aziziya area [of Tripoli] and Bab al-Aziziya seems to be very secure. He has his militia around him and they are doing a good job protecting him," Sharquieh told Al Jazeera.

"He has even made some attacks outside the Bab al-Aziziya area.

Canadian and British prime ministers urging the Libyan leader to leave too !

Meanwhile, the calls for Gaddafi to step down multiplied, with the Canadian and British prime ministers urging the Libyan leader to leave.

Their calls come as the US secretary of state prepares for crisis talks in Switzerland. Hillary Clinton is due to meet other foreign ministers on the sidelines of a UN human rights meeting in Geneva on Monday.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Clinton called for an end to the bloodshed in Libya.

"First we have to see the end of his regime and with no further bloodshed,"  she said, adding that Washington is eager for his ouster "as soon as possible".

"We want him to leave."

Clinton also said that Washington was "reaching out" to opposition groups, prepared to offer "any kind of assistance" to Libyans seeking to overthrow the regime.

However, opponents of Gaddafi forming a National Libyan Council in the east said they did not want any foreign intervention in the country.

"We can comfortably say that he is still in control in Tripoli. Although there is some resistance in some areas I don't think we can talk about the city falling today or tomorrow."

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