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Friday, February 4, 2011

Organised Gang Attacks Opposition Rally at Punchi Borella

An organised gang likely to be government sponsered - attacked the protest rally organised by the United National Party (UNP) at Punchi Borella few hours ago

The thugs had attacked the protest rally brutally. Some of the vehicles too had been damaged in the attack.

The organised gang that attacked the protest rally had also forcefully taken Sirasa TV cameramens video camera too by brutally asulating him. Following the attack, the UNP organiser for Kotte, attorney at law Shiral Lakthialaka said that the country's opposition and activists of the civil society had been holding a very peaceful rally when it was attacked by an organised gang.

"We were exercising our democratic rights and engaged in Sathyakriya.for the release of General Sarath Fonseka who has been unfairly imprisoned. Government thugs attacked our peaceful rally and our leaders with sticks and stones and our rally was disrupted. We will not stop at this. We are not afraid of sticks and stones," said Shiral Lakthilaka.

Source : http://newsfirst.lk

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