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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sri Lanka stops dual citizenship forthwith : Believed as revengeful action against bitter London tour of MR

The Sri Lankan immigration and Emigration Department has issued a special communique
barring forthwith the granting of dual citizenship until further notice. Accordingly, all applications forwarded for approval and processing have been immediately stopped. Based on unofficial information , this measure has been taken following Mahinda's recent unsuccessful London tour when that country allegedly allowed the Sri Lanka (SL) Tamil Diaspora demonstrations which were staged there during the President’s tour. It is learnt that the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse had been most determined and responsible for the action in this direction.

A Sri Lankan who has citizenship of another country but has assets in this country could earlier apply for dual citizenship . The Immigration and emigration Dept. gave dual citizenship on the ground that by that there is an economic development for SL society . An individual who is a dual citizen had to pay Rs. two lakhs to the Govt. Those eligible to receive dual citizenship are citizens of Australia , New Zealand, Commonwealth, France , Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, America and Canada.

Visit www.lankaenews.com for further details

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