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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Battles for Libyan cities rage on - Renewed push for oil port of Brega comes as Gaddafi regime denies using cluster bombs on the besieged city of Misurata.

Libyan rebels, seeking to overthrow long time leader Muammar Gaddafi, have advanced from Ajdabiya toward the oil port town of Brega in the country’s east.

Following NATO air strikes along the coastal road on Saturday, anti-Gaddafi forces said they had reached the edges of the oil town, bringing engineers with them to repair the damaged oil infrastructure.

But Gaddafi's troops remain consolidated within the city centre, said rebel fighters returning to Ajdabiya.

"We have people on the edge of Brega, we control that area only," said 20-year-old Mohammed el-Misrati.

"Nothing has changed inside Brega." 

The battle for territory in Libya's east left six anti-Gaddafi fighters dead and 16 wounded on Saturday.

"We were in our vehicles and they opened fire with rockets," said an injured fighter named Abdulrazek in Ajdabiya hospital.

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