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Monday, May 30, 2011

Mahinda Samarasinghe who went to Geneva betrays the patriotic Sri Lankans by uttering a profusion of blatant lies

Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe who is in Geneva for the UN human rights Committee conference which begins tomorrow, has betrayed the patriotic Sri Lankans by blatantly and brazenly uttering a profusion of lies at the forums which are being held these days prior to the UN HR sessions beginning tomorrow, according to reports reaching Lanka e news.

The most wicked betrayal he committed was when he uttered the diabolic falsehood that the former Army Commander Gen. Sarath Fonseka was taken into custody and jailed on indictments of war crimes . He had even gone further and lied shamelessly through his teeth that the Rajapakse Regime does not spare or safeguard the war crime culprits, not even former Army Commander.

On top of these deplorable and disgraceful lies , the Minister had by referring to a Committee with no judicial powers comprising five retired judges purportedly to inquire into the SL North east crimes ,which was appointed a few days prior to his leaving for the UN HR sessions, tried to deceive the forum by claiming that now a human rights committee has been appointed and is in place in SL.

Another lie in the first degree among others was his stating that the soldiers who committed rape are in custody – as far as our knowledge goes ,in SL no such culprits have been taken into custody.

According to our correspondent there , no opposition representatives nor groups have arrived in Geneva to contradict or expose the lie campaign of the Govt. Consequently , the Minister supported by his group are wallowing in lies freely turned out by their ‘lie factory’.

Meanwhile , the report of the advisory panel of the UN Secretary General is not scheduled to be taken up , while the channel 4 vide tape is scheduled to be taken for discussion, reports say.


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