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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

General Fonseka to be blamed for War Crime Charges - Plan by Anti Democratic Regime Surfaces !

A special operation has commenced under the Anti Democaratic Leader's Secretary to blame former Army Commander, General Sarath Fonseka for the war crimes that have allegedly taken place according to the international community during the final stages of the war (yet to be prooved though)

The Leader's advisors are planning on giving publicity to open statements made by General Fonseka. The Leader's Secretary has asked the Media Minister to collect all comments made by General Fonseka while in the Army and after retiring from active service.

It has been decided to use the statement made by General Fonseka after retiring from the Chief of Defence (COD) Staff post where he has said that the leader did not have any clear plan on winning the war and that the only contribution by leader was to provide the necessary bullets.

He has also said the guns, tanks and multi barrel rocket launchers were all purchased during former President Hon. Chandrika Kumaratunge's tenure and that Mahinda Rajapaksa had only provided the bullets.

The Defence Secretary has advised that the operation be carried out in a manner that would not place all credit of winning the war on General Fonseka who was one of the 3 persons involved in impriosoning General Fonseka (Other too are current leader and Ranil).

In order to minimize the allegations of war crimes leveled against the Leaders, his secretary Lalith Weeratunge in an interview with a weekly newspaper said that Rajapaksa did not have any intension of engaging in a war until the LTTE closed down the Mavilaru aniket and commenced the Eelam IV war.

Weeratunge has said that he was shocked when he heard the President tell the special peace envoy Erik Solheim that he was ready for a war.

But many political analysts believe that most probably their will be no issue for General Fonseka (if war crimes are true) as he is being harrased by Mahinda and his regime and he was in China during the final stage ( where UN says war crimes did take place, yet to proove though !) and Gotabaya was the one who was invovled in it with Mahinda.

Also their is a risk for Gotabaya as USA can take legal action against him at any time as he hold the US Citizenship. Mahinda will find it difficult, if he doesn't get support from India to counter attack the charges. Any way it was the regimes foolish decisions (e.g White Flag Case put on SF ) after the war that had lead to all these problems as they were trying to gain political advantage to win elections.

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