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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Defense Ministry monitoring M P, Thug Duminda Silva is linked to heroin business in Sri Lanka - Questions also raised by many on how he gets huge some of funds for election campaigns without doing any kind of legitimate business ?

The defense Ministry monitoring M P Duminda Silva is linked to heroin business in Sri Lanka according to latest reports , based on evidence garnered by the police narcotics division. A wealth of information had been elicited in this regard from Ruwan Chamila alias ‘kudu’ Ruwan who was arrested recently.

In this connection ,Narcotics police officers had been threatened by Duminda Silva, ‘ I am the defense Ministry monitoring M P , so don’t try to poke your nose into my affairs ‘ he had warned them. When the police officers had apprised the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse of the threats , the latter had instructed them , ‘ he might be the monitoring M P , but I am the defense Secretary. So, go ahead with your investigations’. It is learnt that Duminda Silva who got wind of this instruction, had made a fast and furious attack on Gen. Fonseka in order to ingratiate himself into the favor of Gotabaya.

Gotbaya has given instructions to summon Duminda Silva to State intelligence service and interrogate him .It is being investigated as to how Duminda Silva is spending so lavishly while he is not engaged in official businesses. At the last elections he had got down posters printed in India spending millions and millions of rupees. It is a big question mark as to how Duminda Silva who has no legitimate businesses amassed so much wealth. His brother Rena De Silva owns ABC media Institution (Hiru broadcasting station) . But that is running at a loss , and it is Duminda Silva who is providing finance to it , investigation reports reveal.

The Security division is in receipt of information that the prohibited drugs , heroin , hashish and ecstasy drugs have been smuggled in through the Katunayake Airport , Four customs officers have helped in these smuggling operations, according to reports reaching the security division. These officers have collected as much as Rs. 5-10 lakhs each, monthly from Duminda Silva. After the transfer of these 4 officers , these smuggling operations have been done through the sea route led by Duminda Silva and his underworld team . ‘Kudu’ Ruwan was arrested in Chilaw recently following this information collected by the Narcotics division officers. It was on that occasion , the vehicle No. K N 7046 , a Prado belonging to Duminda Silva fled off with heroin and some suspects , who made good their escape.

There are reports that Duminda Silva has moved heaven and earth and is exerting pressures to take ‘kudu’ Ruwan who is in remand custody as swiftly as possible before he disgorges all the information. To avert this exposure there is also a conspiracy to bump off ‘kudu ‘Ruwan inside the remand prison , sources say.

Already there is a whole host of evidence to take Duminda Silva into custody. The evidence is so cogent and overwhelming that the defense Secretary himself is ready to give the arrest orders. But because of President Rajapakse ‘s opposition to it , the whole criminality of Duminda Silva is being suppressed. The Narcotics division sources say that their entire efforts after so much toil can go down the drain , as it is likely that , if steps taken to shield Duminda goes far all the monumental evidence against him can get destroyed in a jiffy.

Despite Gotabaya informing his brother , the President, that by arresting Duminda Silva , it might render possible to some extent wipe out the unpopularity of the Govt. , the President has objected to that course of action, it is learnt . Recently , when the Duminda goons arrived with clubs and rods , the President had sent them back as Gota had resisted, reports say


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