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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Civilians Casualities claimed by Gaddafi are false ! - All injured or dead were from attacks carried out by him !

War Criminal, Dictator Gaddafi's official media said the air strikes were targeting civilian objectives and that there were civilians casualties as a result of this aggression". but according to the reports that we received, the injured and dead shown on pro Gaddafi TV/Web are the civilians, freedom figters and Pro Gaddafi forces who sustained injuries and/or died when dictator Gaddafi's forces attacked freedom fighters few days back by bombarding and artillaery fire on areas where freedom figters held control (Many areas later taken over by war criminal gaddafi). 

Also Admiral Mike Mullen too, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, denied that any civilians had been killed in the bombardment, which saw some 110 cruise missiles being shot from American naval vessels in the Mediterranean sea.   

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