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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Proposal to appoint War Hero, General Sarath Fonseka as the Vice Leader of the UNP ?

Ranil Wickremesinghe's fraction is exploring the possibility of proposing War Hero, General Sarath Fonseka's name as Vice Leader in Wickremesinghe's list of office bearers at the elections to choose the office bearers for the party and discussionss would be held within the next few days to get Fonseka to join the UNP, a senior parliamentarian from Wickramasinghe's fraction said.

The parliamentarian said that given the present situation, an election was inevitable to elect the office bearers to the party and that Wickremesinghe has already decided to contest for the party leadership. He said that the rest of Wickremesinghe's office bearers would be announced during the week.

However, one of General Fonseka's friends when inquired about the matter said that Fonseka has not made any decision about joining the UNP.
General Fonseka, Master Brain behing the ending of the 30 year war in Sri Lanka and former Common Opposition Presedential Candidate was sentenced to two and half year rigorous imprionsment by (real) traitor & dictator P. Mahinda. P. Mahinda now has a close friendship (and also offered portofolios in his regime) with (to) former LTTE terrorists Karunna, Pilleyan and Kumaran Pathmanathan

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