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Monday, March 21, 2011

Three Top army generals defect in Yemen - Yemen Uprise

Brigadier Ali Mohsen Saleh, the head of the north western military zone and the head of the first armoured division, said on Monday that he had deployed army units to protect the protesters.

Two more generals rallied behind Brigadier Saleh soon after.Addressing a news conference, Brigadier Saleh said: "Yemen today, is suffering from a comprehensive and dangerous crisis and it is widespread.

"Lack of dialogue and oppression of peaceful protesters in the pubclic sphere, resulted in crisis which has increased each day."And it is because of what I feel about the emotions of officers and leaders in the armed forces, who are an integral part of the people, and protectors of the people, I declare, on their behalf, our peaceful support of the youth revolution and their demands and that we will fulfil our duties."

The announcement came days after scores died when armed men fired at an anti-government protest in the capital Sanaa.Several ministers resigned from the government after Friday''s violence. Abdullah Alsaidi, Yemen''s ambassador to the United Nations, also quit in protest over the killings.

Hakim Al Masmari, editor-in-chief of Yemen Post, told Al Jazeera that Monday's army defections spell the end for President Saleh. 

"It is officially over, now that 60 per cent of the army is allied with the protesters.

"For Ali Mohsin Saleh to annnouce this, it is a clear sign to President Saleh that the game is over and that he must step down now.

"It means the fall of the Yemeni army, by nightfall, we expect 90 per cent of the army to join Mohsin Saleh.

"According to our sources, the president knew that this will happen and he expects Brigadier Saleh to let him leave without further degradation and humiliation," he said.

Popular uprising

On Sunday, President Saleh fired his entire cabinet, which came after a month-long popular uprising calling for political reform and his resignation.

The president asked the cabinet to serve as caretaker government until he forms a new one.

Adding even more pressure on Saleh, the country''s most powerful tribal confederation on Sunday called on him to step down.

Sheikh Sadiq al-Ahmar, the leader of Hashed, which includes Saleh''s tribe, issued a statement asking the president to respond to the people''s demands and leave peacefully. It was co-signed by several religious leaders.

Jamila Ali Raja, former Yemeni foreign ministry spokesperson told Al Jazeera, "They are preparing a scene for military protection, at the same time a transitional government will be put in place, so a similar scenario to Egypt."

"Ali Mohsin Saleh will not be accepted by the youth, it is not the start of a military government in Yemen, so a national emergency government will be a civil government," added Masmari.

"He is also very corrupt, he is not respected here in Yemen, however, it will open the doors for the fall of the current regime."

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Gabool al Mutawakil, a youth activist, said: "We are now in the middle of two militaries - one that has joined the protesters and one that is under the authority of President Saleh.

"There is fear of civil war, but we are insisting on having a peaceful revolution."

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