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Thursday, March 17, 2011

UPFA 128 UNP 7 ITAK 10 so far !

The ruling UPFA has obtained the power of 128 local bodies at the LG polls 2011, according to the results released in 150 bodies.

Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) has won ten Councils, including Mannar Urban Council and Pradeshiya Sabha, Vavauniya PS, Manathai East PS, Trincomalee UC and Naveenthanveli PS.

The UNP has obtained the power of six councils, including Kuliyapitiya UC, Gampola UC, Bandarawela MC, Kadugannawa UC and Kalutara UC. They would have won more, if postponed Urban Councils were held on this occasion ( Postponed purposely by dictator Rajapakse as he feared that he will lose those urban councils ).  UNP's Voter Percentage has gone up compared to last ruling regime biased general election.  

Three other parties, SLMC, UCPF, National Congress and Independent Group have won one council each.

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