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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Percy Mahinda's Regime won 205, 9 for UNP, 12 for ITAK out of 234 Local Goverment Bodies

Rajapakse Regime had won 205 LG bodies out of 234, United National Party (UNP) had won 9 and Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (ITAK) had won 12, SLMC 04, National Congress 02, UPF 01, Independent Group 01

The Popularity of Rajapakse Family Regime has gone down in most of the areas compared to the percentage of votes they polled in last General Election. While UNP voter percentage has gone up so far except in Northern Province, where UNP was washed off completly. 

JVP lost it's stronghold Thissamaharamma and slipped down to 3rd place while UNP became opposition their.... 

If JVP had contested in a coaltion with UNP, Oppostion would have won more local goverment bodies.Also if SLMC was with UNP, such a coalition would have also helped to gain some more Local Bodies as well.

Also Urban Counncils Postphoned by Dictator Percy would have easily won by UNP or ITAK if kept with yeasterday's election.  

Beginning of the downfall and end of  Dictator Percy and his family Regime is not much far away...

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